Who We Are
Ashurst Aurecon Alliance
A long-term partnership helping you to navigate through uncertainty, unlock opportunities and invest in your future.
The global landscape on sustainability issues has well and truly shifted. Sustainability is no longer an aspirational goal for organisations – it is vital to the successful growth of a business.
Our Aurecon Alliance brings together integrated end to end solutions that meet the challenges involved in pivoting to a sustainable future. Our strong collaboration across legal, risk consulting and technical advisory brings a new degree of excellence to our clients. We understand that the sustainability journey is complex and every organisation is on a different path. That is why, instead of applying a generalist template, we craft bespoke solutions depending on each client’s aspirations.
Our partnership provides capabilities on two initial key offerings:
Climate Risk Transition; and
Social License
Climate Risk Transition: Our team provides structure to address the complexities of decarbonising businesses and assets by utilising a “Strategise, Execute, Validate and Iterate” model.
Strategise: reviewing the full value chain across technical, commercial and legal frameworks.
Execute: helping clients to deliver throughout the entire lifecycle, including long-term operational optimisation, sustaining capital, longer term / cyclic measures (e.g. fleet procurement, electricity procurement, offset procurement), asset acquisition, divestment, transformation and decommissioning.
Validate: attesting and monitoring performance to baseline and tracking alignment to vision and strategic objectives.
Iterate: adjusting as needed within regulatory frameworks and improving practices as obligations evolve.
Social License: Social license deals with issues that are regulated (such as native title, environmental standards and approvals and privacy), with emerging regulations (such as heritage, climate change and modern slavery) and issues that may become regulated if organisations systemically fail to meet societal expectations (such as in regard to use of plastic, social procurement and inequality).
Our Ashurst Aurecon multi-disciplinary team can assist your organisation with:
- Social license audits
- Community sentiment analysis
- Issue monitoring and management
- Stakeholder engagement strategy and planning
- Social advisory and research
- Social value measurement and management
- Social license governance and risk framework
- Risk policies and Standard Operating Procedures
- Crisis response, legal support and advice
- Crisis planning and simulation; and
- Crisis management planning and simulations