María Antonia de Prada

María Antonia de Prada

Senior Associate based in Madrid

María Antonia de Prada

MarĂ­a Antonia de Prada is a senior associate in our real estate practice

María Antonia is specialized in Urban Planning and Public Law, with an extensive experience in advice public and private sector (funds, financial entities, global investment banks, etc.) in a wide range of urban planning development and administrative issues.

She provides legal advice in due diligence processes, purchase and sale, and financing operations of all kind of premises and buildings (residential, commercial, industrial uses, etc. including renewable energy facilities), and assessment on real estate investment, construction and commercialization agreements in various sectors.

Likewise, she has assessed through the issuance of legal opinions, drafting of planning instruments (among others, special plans, re-allotment and expropriation plants) and urban planning analysis.

She also provides legal advice to the private sector in administrative proceedings (e.g. sanctioning procedures) and contentious-administrative proceedings in urban planning, consumption, historical heritage and environmental matters.