International Comparative Legal Guides Merger Control in the Asia-Pacific
14 December 2021

14 December 2021
The Asia-Pacific competition team of Ashurst has contributed one of the two expert analysis chapters in this year's guide, discussing Merger Control in the Asia-Pacific.
Merger control in the Asia-Pacific is characterised by differences. Unlike the EU, there is no regional approach to analysing large-scale concentrations or concentrations that affect multiple jurisdictions. Instead, each jurisdiction has its own approach to the regulation of mergers, including from the substantive and procedural angles.
In this chapter, we will compare and contrast the current regimes and regulators, examine trends in case volumes and review the willingness or otherwise of regulators to accept behavioural vs structural undertakings in order to approve a concentration. We will also discuss trends in penalties for failure to file, summarise key developments (including in the digital mergers space), scan the horizon for what to expect in Asia-Pacific merger control in 2022 and beyond.
Although there are many differences in approaches to mergers, the team has identified one unifying theme across the Asia-Pacific which is the desire for continuous improvement, whatever the starting point.
Read the chapter in full on the ICLG website.
Authors: Angie Ng (Partner, Singapore), Amanda Tesvic (Senior Expertise Lawyer, Sydney)
The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.