ESMA makes Public Statement on sustainability disclosure in prospectuses
17 July 2023

17 July 2023
ESMA has issued a Public Statement on sustainability disclosure in prospectuses (both equity and non-equity)1 under the EU Prospectus Regulation. Its intention is to promote coordinated action by competent authorities, issuers and advisers regarding the sustainability-related disclosure that should be included in prospectuses under the EU Prospectus Regulation.
The guidance in the Public Statement can be categorised as:
We summarise the guidance in each such category below.
"… a prospectus shall contain the necessary information which is material to an investor for making an informed assessment of:
Relatedly, with regard to risk factors, ESMA reminds issuers of Recital 54 to the EU Prospectus Regulation:
"[…] environmental, social and governance circumstances can also constitute specific and material risks for the issuer and its securities and, in that case, should be disclosed."
2. Material sustainability-related disclosure appearing in an advertisement must appear first in a prospectus
Where sustainability-related disclosure is provided in an issuer's advertisements, such disclosure should first be included in the issuer's prospectus if it is material under Article 6(1). ESMA considers that the inclusion of such sustainability-related disclosure in an advertisement is an indication of its materiality.
1. Information as to the basis of any statements regarding the sustainability profile of the issuer or of the securities must be provided, and statements must be fairly balanced
Any statements concerning an issuer's sustainability profile or that of the relevant securities must include information on the basis of such statements. For example, by (as applicable):
Any statements concerning an issuer's sustainability profile or that of the relevant securities must provide a balanced view; both positive and negative aspects should be presented.
2. Disclaimers may be included, but they cannot be used to excuse non-performance of matters within the issuer's control
ESMA acknowledges that it is acceptable to include disclaimers (which may be characterised as risk factors) on matters outside of an issuer's control such as the risk that an investor's sustainability expectations may differ from those of the issuer or that the understanding of what constitutes "sustainability" may change according to scientific progress, relevant legislation and/or investor preferences. However, ESMA considers that sustainability-related disclaimers should not be used to excuse non-performance of matters over which the issuer exercises control such as, for example, a disclaimer stating that the proceeds of the offering may be invested in a manner which is contrary to the criteria for project selection described in the prospectus.
3. Sustainability-related disclosure must be comprehensible
ESMA reminds competent authorities (and, by extension, the issuers of the relevant prospectuses) of the requirements under the EU Prospectus Regulation with regard to ensuring that the prospectus is comprehensible to prospective investors2. In particular, the prospectus should clearly define the components of mathematical formulas and, where applicable, clearly describe the product structure. Any technical terminology relating to sustainability should also be adequately defined.
In the Public Statement, ESMA provides a table setting out the disclosures that ESMA expects to be included in a prospectus in relation to "use of proceeds bonds" (UoP bonds) and "sustainability-linked bonds" (SLB bonds). We summarise these below:
Relevant section of prospectus | UoPs | SLBs |
Risk Factors | Disclose risks that are material and specific to the security. In particular:
| Disclose risks that are material and specific to the security. In particular:
Reasons for the offer and use of proceeds | Describe the goal and characteristics of the relevant sustainable project and how the sustainable goal is expected to be achieved as well as any permissible terms and conditions for deviations to the minimum use of proceeds and the sustainable project. If the sustainable project is not identified at the time of the prospectus approval, issuers should disclose the criteria which will be used to determine how the proceeds are allocated for sustainable purposes. | Issuers not intending to use the offer proceeds for a specified sustainability project but who issue SLBs for general corporate purposes should disclose the rationale for the issuance as well as its impact on the issuer in the prospectus. |
Information concerning the securities to be offered to the public/admitted to trading | If advanced amortisation may occur, issuers should disclose any impact which this may have on the sustainability performance of an investment. | The following should all be disclosed in the prospectus:
Additional information | If issuers indicate that any advice or assurances have been provided by advisors or third parties about the sustainability characteristics of the security, the prospectus should contain disclosure concerning the scope of those assurances and by whom they were provided. | If issuers indicate that any advice or assurances have been provided by advisors or third parties about the sustainability characteristics of the selected KPIs, the prospectus should contain disclosure concerning the scope of those assurances and by whom they were provided. |
Further, for UoP bonds secured by cash flows not generated by the issuer and/or for "asset-backed securities", the following additional information should be disclosed:
Underlying assets: If issuers of UoP bonds use the proceeds to purchase underlying loans or other assets which are considered sustainable, the prospectus should contain disclosure on the criteria used to determine their sustainability. If any of those loans do not meet the criteria that fact should be stated in the prospectus; and
Post-issuance reporting: If issuers intend to provide post-issuance information, which includes sustainability-related information, the prospectus should indicate what information will be reported and where it may be obtained.
ESMA notes that positions taken in the Public Statement may be affected in the near future by specific ESG disclosure requirements which are expected to be introduced by the Commission's "Listing Act" proposals to amend the EU Prospectus Regulation (COM/2022/762 final) and (for qualifying securities) the Commission's proposals for a Regulation on European green bonds (COM/2021/391 final). If adopted, the "Listing Act" proposals will empower the Commission to add a schedule to the EU PR Regulation specifying the ESG-related information to be included in prospectuses for non-equity securities that are advertised as taking into account ESG factors or pursuing ESG objectives.
1 ESMA32-1399193447-441, dated 11 July 2023
2 Article 37(1) of CDR 2019/980.
The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.