digital assets digest may 2023
09 May 2023

UPDATES AND GUIDANCE: INTERNATIONAL BODIES 1. ESAs: Report on Risks and Vulnerabilities 2. EBA: Report: EBA Consumer Trends Report 2022/23 3. ECB: Speech by Fabio Panetta on the digital euro 4. ECB: Progress report on digital euro and study on possible features of a digital wallet 5. EU: Proposal for a Regulation on information accompanying transfers of funds and certain cryptoassets 6. European Parliament: Formal approval of MiCA 7. BIS/Bank of England: Project Meridian: innovating transactions with synchronisation 8. European Commission: Opening remarks by Commissioner McGuinness at the European Parliament plenary joint debate on cryptoassets |
UPDATES AND GUIDANCE: UK 9. DRCF: 2023/24 Workplan and Annual Report 10. FCA: Speech by Sarah Pritchard: Regulation of digital assets in the UK 11. House of Commons: Answer to written questions: Treasury 12. House of Commons (Treasury Committee): Correspondence: The cryptoasset industry 13. House of Commons Treasury Committee: Correspondence on the work of the FCA 14. HM Treasury: India-UK 2nd Financial Markets Dialogue: Joint Statement 15. House of Commons Treasury Committee: Correspondence from the Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister relating to the financial promotions and cryptoassets 16. Bank of England: Minutes of Money Market Committee meeting – March 2023 17. Bank of England: Speech by Sir Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor, Financial Stability: The shape of things to come: innovation in payments and money |
UPDATES AND GUIDANCE: EUROPE 18. BaFin: Podcast on crypto-assets and retail protection 19. Deutsche Bundesbank: Speech of the Vice-President of the Deutsche Bundesbank on crypto-assets 20. BaFin: Announcement on application of ESMA guidelines on DLT market infrastructure 21. ACPR: Public consultation on the regulation of DeFI 22. French Association for the Development of Digital Assets: Study on web 3 and crypto in France and Europe. 23. AMF: MiCA regulation adopted by the European Parliament – next milestones 24. French Directorate General for Enterprises: Public consultation on metaverse 25. French National Assembly: Proposed Bill to regulate commercial influence and to fight against the abuses of influencers on social networks. 26. French National Assembly: Publication of the so called 2022-2023 DDADUE law |
UPDATES AND GUIDANCE: APAC 27. HKMA: Annual report 28. Securities and Futures Commission: Speech by Keith Choy at the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 |
UPDATES AND GUIDANCE: NORTH AMERICA 29. Federal Reserve: Review of the Federal Reserve’s Supervision and Regulation of Silicon Valley Bank 30. FDIC: Report on the supervision of Signature Bank 31. Federal Reserve: Speech by Governor Christopher J Waller at the Cryptocurrency and the Future of Global Finance, Sarasota, Florida 32. SEC: Cryptoasset trading platform and former CEO charged for operating an unregistered exchange 33. SEC: Comment period reopened for proposed amendments to Exchange Act Rule 3b-16 and supplemental information provided 34. Wyoming Stable Token Act |
UPDATES AND GUIDANCE: MIDDLE EAST 35. The Dubai Financial Services Authority: Consultation Paper on various aspects of regulatory regime |
On 25 April 2023, the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) published a report on risks and vulnerabilities. The report refers to the increase in financial risk owing to the high level of uncertainty in global financial markets and also discusses certain events in cryptoassets sector.
Points to note:
On 24 April 2023, the EBA published a report on consumer trends. The report identifies issues facing consumers in the EU and that are expected to shape the EBA’s consumer protection priorities over the next two years. The report includes quantitative data for mortgage credit, consumer credit, payment accounts, payment services, electronic money and deposits. It is based on information provided by national authorities of EU Member States, national and EU consumer associations and EU industry associations (among others). The report notes that several NCAs and other stakeholders reported issues arising from fraudulent payments executed for a specific scope, the purchase of cryptoassets.
On 24 April 2023, the ECB published an introductory statement by Fabio Panetta, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, at the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament.
Mr Panetta comments that the digital euro project is now entering the end of the investigation phase and that the ECB’s Governing Council recently endorsed a third set of design options for the digital euro. Mr Panetta also refers to a report on the digital euro.
Key points
On 24 April 2023, the ECB published the third progress report in relation to the Euro, together with a study concerning people’s views on the features of a potential digital wallet. The report follows on from previous reports published in September 2021 and December 2022 setting out the first two sets of digital euro design and distribution option.
The progress report contains the Eurosystem's views on digital euro access, holdings and onboarding, distribution aspects, as well as digital euro services and functionalities.
Key points
On 25 April 2023, the Council of the EU published an information note recommending that the Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments (COREPER) confirm agreement to the European Parliament's position in relation to the proposed Regulation on information accompanying transfers of funds and certain cryptoassets. The Regulation was introduced in July 2021 by the European Commission as part of a wider set of AML legislative measures (see our briefing here). The European Parliament voted on 20 April 2023 at its plenary session and adopted a compromise amendment.
On 20 April 2023, it was announced that the European Parliament had formally approved MiCA. MiCA was introduced by the European Commission in September 2020 as part of the EU Digital Finance Package (see our briefings here and here for more information) and has been making its way through the EU legislative process. It introduces a regime for cryptoasset service providers and issuers of stablecoins. MiCA is now expected to be formally approved by the Council of EU before being published in the Official Journal.
For more information, please see our briefing here.
On 19 April 2023, BIS published a report in relation to Project Meridian, a joint project between the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub London Centre and the Bank of England looking into how advancements in financial technology could be used to deliver innovations in real-time gross settlement (RTGS) systems.
The project experiments with the concept of synchronisation by building on the existing concept of interlinking asset ledgers with RGTS systems. The Meridian prototype involves a synchronisation network using DLT and aims to show how a DLT network could connect to conventional centralised systems used by participants in a transaction using open-standard application programming interfaces.
The report argues that synchronisation using central bank money could reduce the time, cost and risk of transactions.
On 19 April 2023, opening remarks by Mairead McGuinness at the European Parliament plenary joint debate were published.
Points to note include the following:
On 27 April 2023, the Digital Regulator Co-operation Forum, DRCF, published its 2023/24 workplan and annual report. The DRCF is charged with applying regulation to digital market issues and currently consists of four UK regulators: the CMA; the FCA; the ICO; and Ofcom.
The report outlines how the DRCF’s work promoted the three overarching goals set out in its Terms of Reference and 2022/23 Workplan: coherence between regimes; collaboration on projects; and capability building across regulators.
On 25 April 2023, the FCA issued a speech given by Sarah Pritchard, Executive Director, on the regulation of digital assets in the UK.
Key points
On 25 April 2023, a response was published in response to a query on whether the Treasury was providing support for the development of a digital currency by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank. It was confirmed that HM Treasury is not providing support to the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank on its development of a digital currency.
On 25 April 2023, correspondence was published between the Treasury Select Committee and the Bank of England in relation to the Bank of England's approach to stablecoins, the CBDC and cryptoassets. In a letter to Harrriet Baldwin MP,Chair of the Treasury Select Committee, Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor, Financial Stability, offers responses to follow-up questions posed by the Committee following the 28 February 2023 evidence session attended by stakeholders.
On 25 April 2023, correspondence between the FCA and the Treasury Select Committee was published in respect of the work of the FCA. In the letter, FCA CEO, Nikhil Rathi, provides response to a series of follow-up questions posed to the FCA following up on an evidence session held with the Treasury Select Committee. Part of the letter covers the FCA's approach to regulating the cryptoassets sector.
Notable points
On 19 April 2023, the HM Treasury issued a statement confirming that governments of India and UK had held the second meeting of the India-UK Financial Markets Dialogue. The Dialogue was led by senior officials from the Indian Ministry of Finance and HM Treasury, with participation from Indian and UK independent regulatory agencies. The Dialogue focused on key themes including payments and cryptoassets. Participants discussed developments in relation to CBDCs, the importance of a sound regulatory framework, as well as the need for progress in delivering the G20 Roadmap for enhancing Cross-border Payments. Reference was also made to the India-UK Financial Partnership (IUKFP) and its report on "Harnessing the power of FinTech and data". The Finance Minister of India and the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer launched the India-UK Financial Partnership IUKFP in 2014 to strengthen financial services links between both countries.
On 18 April 2023, correspondence between the Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Andrew Griffith MP, and Harriet Baldwin MP, Treasury Select Committee Chair, was published. The letter refers to recent changes concerning the UK financial promotions regime and certain types of cryptoassets via the publication of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) (Amendment) Order 2023. It notes that the proposed regime will mean that a person not authorised by the FCA must have any promotion of qualifying cryptoassets approved by an authorised person before they are communicated, unless an exemption applies. The letter states that that this legislation should be in force by late 2023 (subject to parliamentary time and approval).
The minutes of the Money Market Committee meeting have been published. Members gave an update in relation to RTGS renewal programme and associated projects, noting the importance of industry collaboration. The Bank proposed engaging MMC members alongside the broader industry as part of its "co-creation" process. Members discussed the recent consultation paper on digital pound (see our briefing here) and the potential impacts of a CBDC on bank funding and money markets, notably the potentially disintermediation of retail deposit markets.
On 17 April 2023, the Bank of England published a speech by Sir Jon Cunliffe, Deputy Governor, Financial Stability, on payments and e-money. Mr Cunliffe notes the development of "digitalisation of everyday life". The speech also discusses developments in existing payment systems, infrastructure and regulatory frameworks: New Payments Architecture; the renewal of the RGTS programme; and the expansion of the Open Banking framework.
Mr Cunliffe looks at four areas where the tokenisation of money is being explored and also explores developments in relation to cross-border payments.
On 2 May, 2023, BaFin published an episode of its retail protection podcast on "The world of crypto-assets". The podcast covers questions like "what are crypto-assets?", "how many different crypto-assets exist?", "how risky is an investment in crypto-assets?" from a perspective of the responsible BaFin staff.
On 20 April, 2023, Claudia Buch, the Vice-President of the Deutsche Bundesbank gave a speech titled "Are crypto-assets a threat to financial stability?" at the University of Hohenheim. In the speech, Ms Buch stated that crypto-assets promise more innovative ways of providing financial services than the traditional financial system, but they also entail risks that are strikingly similar, such as high market concentration, complexity, common exposures, and high operational risk. Ms Buch states that preventive actions against these risks should be taken through preventive regulation, better reporting systems and good monitoring and limiting regulatory arbitrage.
On 19 April, 2023, BaFin announced that it applies ESMA's Guidelines on the operation of DLT market infrastructures (ESMA70-460-213).The Guidelines cover standard forms, formats and templates, to be used to submit information to apply for any specific permission to operate a DLT market infrastructure. They set out information to be provided for all applicants and specific additional information depending on the applicant's regulatory status and on the nature of its application request.
The ACPR recently published a public consultation, as well as a discussion paper. seeking to elicit the views of stakeholders in relation to the supervision and regulation of DeFI. The discussion paper analyses the structure and risks of disintermediated/DeFI and its various components. The consultation is open until 19 May 2023.
The discussion paper and the consultation questionnaire are available here in English.
On 14 April 2023, the French Association for the Development of Digital Assets (ADAN) published the results of a study (accessible here in French) with the aim of updating the figures concerning the level of adoption by the general public of digital assets and to offer an overview of the different applications existing in the industries.
On 21 April 2023, the AMF published a press release (accessible here in French) in relation to MiCA following its adoption by the European Parliament: Areas covered include: the main changes to be introduced by the MiCA regulatory framework; preparation for the transition to MiCA, notably the interaction with the DDADUE law which provides for a transitional regime prior to MiCA; and the next steps, i.e. the entry into force of the text in July 2023 (subject to adoption by the Council of the European Union), and the applicability of the Regulation from January 2025.
Until 2 May 2023, the French Directorate General for Enterprises is organizing a public consultation on virtual immersive worlds (metaverse). The aim of the consultation is to allow various stakeholders (citizens, companies, associations, researchers) to express their expectations on this evolving subject in order to design a French strategy capable of anticipating this transition from the point of view of the important technological bricks and to propose an alternative to the virtual immersive universes currently offered by the international players.
The consultation questionnaire is available here in French.
On 30 March 2023, the French National Assembly adopted a Bill regarding the regulation of the commercial influence and the abuses of influencers on social networks (accessible here in French). Notable aspects of the Bill include: defining the status of influencers; and prohibiting such influencers from promoting financial investments and digital assets on social networks that carry a risk of loss for consumers. This Bill was adopted by the French National Assembly on 30 March 2023.
This Bill is part of a general desire by the French public authorities to regulate the profession of influencer. To this end, Bruno Le Maire, the French Minister of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty launched a public consultation on 8 January 2023 to allow all French people to express their views on 11 measures divided into four themes (the rights and obligations of influencers, intellectual property, consumer protection and sector governance). At a press conference on 24 March 2023, Bruno Le Maire presented the first measures to support influencers and protect consumers resulting from this work. The press file to see the measures and the guide of good conduct for influencers are available here (both in French).
This Bill will be debated in the Senate on 9 and 10 May 2023.
On 10 March 2023, the 2022-2023 DDADUE law was published in the Journal Officiel of the French Republic, and came into effect the following day (accessible here in French).
As a reminder, this law impact the French current DASP regime by creating a reinforced registration procedure with the AMF and includes provisions to adapt French law to the DLT Pilot Regime Regulation, and authorise the French Government to take measures to adapt French law to MiCA within one year (please refer to the Global Digital Assets Digest of February 2023).
On 28 April 2023, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority published its Annual Report. The report sets out HKMA's work priorities in a number of areas, as well as work priorities.
Points to note:
On 12 April 2023, the Securities and Futures Commission published a speech by Keith Choy at the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 on the impact of technological innovation on financial services.
Notable points
On 28 April 2023, the Federal Reserve Board released a report summarising the review of the supervision and regulation of Silicon Valley Bank, led by Vice Chair for Supervision Michael S. Barr. The report explores the management of the bank and the supervisory and regulatory issues surrounding the failure of the bank. The four takeways highlighted in the report are: Silicon Valley Bank’s board of directors and management failed to manage their risks; supervisors did not fully appreciate the extent of the vulnerabilities as Silicon Valley Bank grew in size and complexity; when supervisors did identify vulnerabilities, they did not take adequate steps to ensure that Silicon Valley Bank solved those problems quickly enough; and a shift in the stance of supervisory policy prevented effective supervision by reducing standards, increasing complexity, and promoting a less assertive supervisory approach.
On 28 April 2023, the FDIC published a report detailing the FDIC’s supervision of Signature Bank. The report evaluates the agency’s supervision of Signature Bank from 2017 until March 2023. Signature Bank was closed by the New York Department of Financial Services on 12 March 2023 and appointed the FDIC as receiver.
The report finds that main cause of the failure of the bank was illiquidity (caused by contagion effects in the wake of the announced self-liquidation and failures of other institutions). The report also points to overreliance on deposits from certain industries and vulnerability of the bank to turmoil occurring in late 2022 and into 2023.
On 20 April 2023 the Federal Reserve issued a speech by Governor Christopher J Waller at the Cryptocurrency and the Future of Global Finance, Sarasota, Florida. The speech explores the issue of innovation and the future of finance, with a special focus on cryptoassets and tokenisation. The speech notes that tokenisation and other forms of innovation could play a prominent role in banking and in the wider economy, but that it is important to weigh benefits of innovation against risks. Mr Waller notes that blockchain can enhance efficiencies and reduce liquidity risks, adding that atomic settlement can lessen settlement and counterparty risks and could be a more robust way of achieving delivery-versus-payment and payment-versus-payment functionality.
On 17 April 2023, the SEC charged crypto asset trading platform Bittrex, Inc. and its co-founder and former CEO William Shihara for operating an unregistered national securities exchange, broker, and clearing agency. The SEC also charged Bittrex, Inc.’s foreign affiliate, Bittrex Global GmbH, for failing to register as a national securities exchange in connection with its operation of a single shared order book along with Bittrex.
Since at least 2014, Bittrex has held itself out as a platform that facilitated buying and selling of crypto assets that the SEC’s complaint alleges were offered and sold as securities. From 2017 through 2022, Bittrex earned at least $1.3 billion in revenues from, among other things, transaction fees from investors, including U.S. investors, while servicing them as a broker, exchange, and clearing agency without registering any of these activities with the Commission.
The complaint further alleges that Bittrex and Shihara, who was the company’s CEO from 2014 to 2019, coordinated with issuers who sought to have their crypto asset made available for trading on Bittrex’s platform to first delete from public channels certain “problematic statements” that Shihara believed would lead a regulator, such as the SEC, to investigate the crypto asset as the offering of a security. For example, in an effort to avoid regulatory scrutiny, before Bittrex would make an asset available on its platform, Bittrex and Shihara instructed issuer-applicants to delete statements related to “price prediction[s],” “expectation of profit,” and other “investment related terms.”
The SEC’s complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, alleges that Bittrex and Bittrex Global should have registered as an exchange because they brought together, using a shared order book, the orders for securities of multiple buyers and sellers using established, non-discretionary methods under which such orders interacted, and the buyers and sellers entering such orders agreed to the terms of a trade.
The complaint further alleges that Bittrex should have registered as a clearing agency because it acted as an intermediary in making payments and deliveries upon matching sell and buy orders and maintained custody of customer assets. Finally, the complaint alleges that Bittrex should have registered as a broker because it regularly engaged in the business of effecting transactions for the accounts of others in crypto assets that were offered and sold as securities.
The complaint can be found here.
On 14 April 2023, the SEC reopened the comment period and provided supplemental information on proposed amendments to the definition of “exchange” under Exchange Act Rule 3b-16. The SEC initially proposed the amendments in January 2022.
The reopening release reiterated the applicability of existing rules to platforms that trade crypto asset securities, including so-called “DeFi” systems, and provides supplemental information and economic analysis for systems that would be included in the new, proposed exchange definition. The reopening release also requested information and public comment on crypto asset securities trading on such systems and certain aspects of the proposed amendments applicable to all securities.
The public comment period will remain open for 30 days after publication of the reopening release in the Federal Register.
On 17 March 2023, the State of Wyoming enacted SF0127 - Wyoming Stable Token Act, creating the Wyoming stable token commission which is authorized to issue Wyoming stable tokens. These tokens are a virtual currency that are redeemable for one United States dollar. All funds received from the issuance of the token will be placed in a trust account and invested exclusively in United States treasury bills.
A summary of the Wyoming Stable Token Act can be found here.
On 27 April 2023, the Dubai Financial Services Authority published a consultation paper containing proposals in relation to money services, crypto tokens and crowdfunding regimes.
The closing date for comments is 26 May 2023.
Contributors: Francesco Assi, Senior Associate; Nathan Huynh, Senior Associate; Tobias Bauerfeind, Senior Associate; Cornelius Hille, Associate; Greta Muller, Junior Associate; Sarah Campo, Trainee; Ankita Rao, Trainee
The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.