Advising Commercial and Pro bono clients on Modern Slavery
Advising on all aspects including integrated supply chain compliance
Supply chain compliance is now a global issue about human and environmental rights, not just brand reputation.
The UK, US and Australia all have legislation about transparency/modern slavery in supply chains. Other countries are considering a similar approach and extending the reach of liability to protect vulnerable workers.
Advising clients
We advise employers about compliance with Modern Slavery legislation and assist in comprehensively mapping and managing risks in supply chains by:
Undertaking due diligence to assess and mitigate areas of risks within businesses and supply chains
Conducting reviews and maintaining ongoing monitoring of current and proposed providers
Reviewing and developing procurement checklists and procedures, and request for tender and contract terms, including for key third party contracts
Reviewing and developing whistle-blower policies and supplier codes of conduct
Preparing and reviewing modern slavery and human trafficking statements
Preparing handbooks and conducting training for auditors, managers and procurement staff
Reporting to internal and external stakeholders.
Pro bono support on all aspects of modern slavery
Our global pro bono practice supports not-for-profits in the anti-slavery community on an increasing range of modern slavery matters including by:
Undertaking multijurisdictional, cross-border, comparative or other legal research and analysis to support NGOs in creating reports, recommendations, or new strategies and frameworks
Providing support on advocacy and policy work through our Law Reform Project
Undertaking ongoing contextual and other analysis to boost the capacity of specialist teams
Supporting and advising NGOs in respect of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth)
Providing cross-border support on transactional queries relating to compensation processes and procedures
Case law research to help NGOs assess how local or regional laws may impact on aspects of slavery.
See the section on Our Actions and Plans for more information on how we can work with clients, pro bono partners and others in this area, in regard to understanding our roles, sharing knowledge and best practice, and forming key partnerships with others to establish a compliance-focused community of practice.