Legal Notices


(Ashurst Korea JV)

Ashurst Korea JV is a joint venture between Ashurst LLP and HwaHyun Law Firm, established under the Foreign Legal Consultant Act of Korea and is part of the Ashurst Group.

Ashurst LLP is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales with registered number OC330252 and registered office at London Fruit & Wool Exchange, 1 Duval Square, London, E1 6PW.

HwaHyun Law Firm is a law firm in the Republic of Korea, registered with and regulated by the Korean Bar Association.

The Ashurst Group comprises Ashurst LLP, Ashurst Australia and their respective affiliates (including independent local partnerships, companies or other entities) which are authorised to use the name "Ashurst" or describe themselves as being associated or affiliated with Ashurst.

In addition to local compulsory insurance cover in South Korea, Ashurst maintains a global professional indemnity insurance program. The firm's professional indemnity insurance program provides cover which Ashurst regards as appropriate for a firm such as ours. The firm's professional indemnity insurance program is confidential. Nevertheless Ashurst understands that its clients must be reasonably satisfied as to the appropriateness of the level of cover effected by the firm. While the firm has strict protocols about disclosures of its professional indemnity coverage, Ashurst will deal in good faith with you on this issue. Further details may be obtained from Angela Pearson, partner and global general counsel or Rehana Box, partner.

Please also note the additional Legal Notices that relate to the whole of the Ashurst Group.