Legal development

The Future of Energy Systems digital and data challenges

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    Energy Transformed_Podcast

    In the third instalment of the Energy Transformed podcast series in partnership with Renew Economy, Ashurst partners Paul Curnow and Emma Butler together with in-house futurist at Aurecon, Noriko Wynn, give their perspective on the data and digitisation challenges that are arising from the transformation of our energy markets.  Areas they will cover include:

    • reliance of our energy system on data
    • data management and governance
    • how future legislation can address complexities of the transition

    To learn more, click here 

    Butler Emma

    Emma Butler
    Partner, Ashurst
    T: +61 3 9679 3549

    Noriko Wynn

    Noriko Wynn
    Futures Research Leader,  Aurecon
    T: +61 417 103426

    The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
    Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.

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