Nearing Net Zero – Future Made in Australia Act
13 May 2024

Ahead of the Federal budget, the Albanese Government announced a suite of incentives and subsidies for advanced manufacturing and clean energy projects on 11 April 2024. These incentives and subsidies are being packaged through the Future Made in Australia Act.
The Act aims to revitalise manufacturing in Australia by turbocharging clean manufacturing and investment across solar panel manufacturing, green hydrogen production, low emission steel manufacturing and rare earth mineral mining.
This reflects a wider, global trend of public sector involvement in the traditionally private sector renewable and low-emissions technology supply chain with the Government citing competition with foreign renewable investment packages as a key driver.
Tune into the latest Nearing Net Zero episode as Dan Brown and Elena Lambros unpack what the Act aims to achieve, the drivers for implementation, its scope and the markets commentary.
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Nearing Net Zero dissects the latest regulatory and legislative developments driving forward the decarbonisation agenda.
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