Legal development

Inspection activities in Companies priority actions and labour sanctions

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    Last August 2021, the Ministry of Labour and Economy published the Strategic Plan of the Labour and Social Security Inspection for the next three years. This plan establishes a total of twelve strategic objectives through the reinforcement of the inspection activity to contribute to the improvement of the quality of employment, the guarantee of the workers' rights and the fight against precariousness and fraud in labour and social security matters.

    Previously, on July 10, Law 10/2021 of 9th July of remote work was published, which modifies Article 40 of the Law on Infringements and Penalties in the Labour Order, which implies a 20% increase in the amounts of labour penalties as from next October 1, 2021.

    In relation to the above, this document aims to emphasize those aspects and practices that are most relevant in the day-to-day life of many companies, in which the Labour Inspectors will intensify their investigations and its efforts to achieve the goals and objectives set out in the aforementioned Plan. 

    In particular, the following campaigns and priority actions have been established:

    • (i) Transforming temporary contracts into indefinite contracts in service companies and in companies with high rates of temporary employment. Besides, the concurrence of real causes in long-term temporary contracts and short-term contracts for young people will be assessed;
    • (ii) Verify if the contract modalities have been fraudulently used, such as seasonal and training contracts;
    • (iii) Identify fraudulent behaviours in Temporary Employment Agencies;
    • (iv) Detect the precarious working conditions of workers in service companies whose contracts are covered by inter-company contracts;
    • (v) Ensure compliance with occupational risk prevention regulations in companies that use remote working in a greater extent and in those activities in which psychosocial risks are more frequent;
    • (vi) Identify mailbox companies based in Spain and operating in other EU countries (and vice versa), as well as transnational fraud to avoid complying with Social Security obligations in Spain in the construction sector and companies engaged in international transport;
    • (vii) Derive jointly and severally and/or subsidiarily liabilities, towards the main companies that subcontract works and services to companies with Social Security debts;
    • (viii) Verify decent work for people with disabilities in special employment centres; 
    • (ix) Detect deficiencies in Social Security contributions and undeclared employment; and
    • (x) Fight against fraud in the use of suspension and reduction of working hours by Covid-19 for improper exemption from Social Security contributions.

    In addition, apart from the specific campaigns programmed, the following the actions have been planned within the framework of the objectives that we consider most relevant for the day-to-day companies´ practices (out of the total of twelve objectives set out in the Plan). In this summary we have included the potential financial fines (in the amounts in force as of October 1, 2021) that companies may face in the event that Labour Inspectors detect irregularities:

     First objective: To guarantee the full and effective exercise of labour and union rights

     Verify the payment of wages owed (in the amount due in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement), delays in payment and/or hidden remuneration.
    • From 751 to 7.500 euros for serious violations.
    • From 7.501 to 225.018 euros for very serious violations.
     Control the excess of working hours and overtime.
     Verify the reliability of working time register.
     Ensure compliance with the information and consultation rights of works councils.
     Fake self-employed and fake interns.
     Special attention to working remotely.

     Second objective: To ensure the safety and health of workers

     Action Sanctions
     Monitoring working conditions in sectors with more precarious employment conditions (hotel maids, agricultural sector, etc.).
    • From 2.451 to 49.180 euros for serious violations.
    • From 49.181 to 983.736 euros for violations classified as very serious.

      Third objective: To detect undeclared work

     Intensify the fight against undeclared work and work without registration with the Social Security System.
    • From 3.750 to 12.000 euros (one violation for each worker affected).
    • Fines of between 50% and 150% of the amount of the contributions not paid.

     Fifth and Sixth objective: To guarantee equality and non-discrimination based on gender and other grounds

     Wage discrimination, access to employment and professional promotion.
    • From 751 to 7.500 euros for serious violations.
    • From 7.501 to 225.018 euros for very serious violations.
     Family, personal and professional life conciliation. Equality plans.
     Workers with disabilities and LGTBI.

     Eighth objective: To fight against social security fraud

    Action  Sanctions
     Contribution deficiencies (due to payment of lower salaries, differences with contribution bases, salary in kind, etc.).
    • Fines of between 50% and 100% of the amount of the missed payments.

     Twelfth objective: To monitor the rules for the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 infection

     Verify the protection measures against Covid-19.
    • From 45 to 2.450 euros for minor violations.
    • From 2.451 to 49.180 euros for serious violations.
    • From 49.181 to 983.736 euros for violations classified as very serious.

    The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
    Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.

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