Financial services speedread 23 February 2022
24 February 2022
Financial Markets 1. European Commission: New consultation on suitability and appropriateness of retail investments 2. FCA: 2 month delay to processing change in control notifications 3. Capital Markets Union: Extension for UK CCP equivalence and new consultation on EU clearing activities 4. FCA speech: Enhancing UK's capital markets |
Fund Management 5. UK funds regime review: Summary of responses to call for input |
Financial Crime 6. Cayman Islands will be high AML risk in Europe in March 2022 7. UK JMLSG: Revisions to syndicated lending guidance 8. Council of the EU Cover Note: Opinion of the ECB on July 2021 package to overhaul EU AML / CTF rules |
Payments 9. EPC Consultation: Standardisation of QR-codes for mobile initiated payments |
FinTech 10. ASA issues advice on marketing cryptoassets 11. FCA issues statement on buy now, pay later firms changing contract terms 12. ESMA Speech by Verena Ross: Keeping on track in an evolving digital world |
Other 13. European Parliament issue proposals on Consumer Credit Directive |
Financial Markets |
1. European Commission: New consultation on suitability and appropriateness of retail investmentsOn 21 February 2022, as part of its retail investment strategy, the European Commission launched a targeted consultation to collate views on how to improve suitability and appropriateness assessments for retail investments. The targeted consultation seeks to find specific ways to make assessing retail clients' investment needs and constraints simpler and more client-focused. The consultation explores the possibility of introducing new types of suitability and appropriateness tests, namely an improved client assessment regime and a personalised asset allocation strategy. The Commission is also exploring the potential for the new client assessment and allocation strategy to be transferred to any financial intermediary, and to what extent such intermediaries can depart from the personalised asset allocation strategy. The deadline for responses is 22 March 2022. 2. FCA: 2 month delay to processing change in control notificationsOn 18 February 2022, the FCA updated its webpage on how to submit a change in control notification to outline how it will respond to the recent high volumes of section 178 notifications. The FCA highlights that there is currently a delay of approximately two months between submitting a complete notification and allocating a case officer. The FCA explains that a substantial number of incomplete notifications contribute to further delays and recommends providing all relevant information for initial submissions. As part of the FCA's transformation programme outlined in its business plan for 2021/22 (see FCA's 2021/22 business plan: First strategic overarching outcomes and metrics), the FCA is recruiting additional case officers and making improvements to decrease the time between allocating and determining cases. 3. Capital Markets Union: Extension for UK CCP equivalence and new consultation on EU clearing activitiesOn 8 February 2022, the European Commission published a press release confirming that equivalence for UK central counterparties (CCPs) will be extended until 30 June 2025. To reduce the EU's reliance on systematic third-country CCPs, the European Commission also announced the launch of a targeted public consultation and call for evidence on expanding central clearing activities in the EU and increasing the attractiveness of EU CCPs. The deadline for responses is 8 March 2022. The European Commission plans to put forward measures to advance EU clearing activities during the second half of 2022. 4. FCA speech: Enhancing UK's capital marketsOn 8 February 2022, the FCA published a speech by Sarah Pritchard, Executive Director, Markets, on enhancing the UK's capital markets. Areas of focus in the speech include:
Banking and Prudential |
No updates for this edition of the FSS |
Fund Management |
5. UK funds regime review: Summary of responses to call for inputOn 10 February 2022, HM Treasury published a summary of responses to the government's call for input on its review of the UK funds regime. Although the government is willing to take full advantage of the proposals respondents have put forward, it is not possible for them to take all these opportunities forward immediately. The government (and FCA where applicable) propose to prioritise the following areas in the short term:
Other areas the government is focusing on include:
The government welcomes further stakeholder representation and engagement on all the proposals put forward already, as well as on wider issues or new proposals affecting the UK funds regime. |
Senior Managers and Governance |
No updates included for this fortnight's edition of the FSS. |
Financial Crime |
6. Cayman Islands will be high AML risk in Europe in March 2022On 21 February 2022, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/229 (Delegated Regulation) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The Delegated Regulation contains amendments to the list of high-risk third countries requiring enhanced due diligence under MLD4 (as amended by MLD5). The Delegated Regulation has added a number of countries to the list of high risk countries including, most notably, the Cayman Islands. The Delegated Regulation will come into force on 13 March 2022. 7. UK JMLSG: Revisions to syndicated lending guidanceOn 17 February 2022, following on from a consultation in December 2021, the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG) published a new paragraph 17.29A to be inserted into Part II Sector 17 (Syndicated Lending) of its anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing guidance. Paragraph 17.29A covers the completion of customer due diligence (CDD) by lenders for syndicated lending. Under the new guidance, lenders should adopt a risk-based approach when evaluating what CDD is available for the borrower under a syndicated loan before becoming a lender of record under the facility documentation. The revised guidance has been submitted to HM Treasury for approval. 8. Council of the EU Cover Note: Opinion of the ECB on July 2021 package to overhaul EU AML / CTF rulesOn 17 February 2022, the Council of the EU published an opinion of the European Central Bank (ECB) on the legislative proposal for a Directive and Regulation on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing. For detail on the proposed European AML /CTF package please see our briefing here. Although the ECB welcomes the initiatives reflected in the legislative proposals, it recommends that the proposed legislation is amended in several areas:
Retail Investments |
No updates included for this fortnight's edition of the FSS. |
Payments |
9. EPC Consultation: Standardisation of QR-codes for mobile initiated paymentsOn 16 February 2022, the European Payments Council (EPC) issued a consultation on a new draft document for the Standardisation of Quick-Response (QR)-codes for mobile initiated (instant) credit transfers (MSCTs). The document has been developed by the Multi-stakeholder Group on Mobile Initiated SEPA (Instant) Credit Transfers (MSG MSCT). At the meeting, the Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) made the following recommendations to the MSG MSCT:
The document issued by the MSG MSCT for consultation standardises a payee and a payer-presented QR-code for all types of MSCTs, i.e. all payment contexts (person-to-person, consumer-to-business, business-to-business and business to consumer). The document contains a section devoted to the security of the data contained in the QR-codes. |
Fintech |
10. ASA issues advice on marketing cryptoassetsOn 14 February 2022, ASA issued online advice as to how the CAP Code applies to advertisements for cryptoassets. In particular, the guidance provides that advertisers must: Clearly state that cryptoassets are not regulated by the FCA nor protected by the Financial Compensation Schemes and that this statement is presented in a sufficiently clear and prominent way, taking into account size, legibility, and placement of the text, as well as the nature of the medium of the advert;
11. FCA issues statement on buy now, pay later firms changing contract termsOn 14 February 2022, the FCA published a statement on its changes to Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) firms' contract terms, which summarised the changes made by four BNPL firms. Clearpay, Klarna, Laybuy and Openpay have cooperated with the FCA in order to make changes to their contract terms following the FCA's assessment of the fairness and transparency requirements under sections 62 and 68 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015. In particular, the FCA were concerned with the following four topics:
All four firms have amended their terms to address the FCA's concerns. The FCA have also provided guidance for firms to use when reviewing their terms. The press release can be viewed here. 12. ESMA Speech by Verena Ross: Keeping on track in an evolving digital worldOn 9 February 2022, ESMA published a speech given by its chair, Verena Ross. In the speech, Ms Ross considers the impact of digitalisation on financial services. She argues that it is the job of regulators to consider the implications of new technology and innovations and decide which types will make a lasting impact. Notable areas of focus in the speech include:
No updates for this edition of the FSS |
Others |
13. European Parliament issue proposals on Consumer Credit DirectiveOn 8 February 2022, the draft report on the proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of consumer credits (dated 31 January 2022) was published. The proposal, put forward by the European Commission, broadens the scope of the Consumer Credit Directive for example by widening the scope of hiring and leasing agreements. The proposal attempts to "future-proof" the Directive by including future credit services within its scope. Other proposals include consideration of advertising, pre-contractual information, creditworthiness assessment, CAPs, green loans and debt collection. |
The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.
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