FCAs use of s166 Skilled Person Reports
29 April 2022

For each current financial year, the FCA publishes quarterly information about how many s166 skilled person reports it has commissioned. The quarterly information for 2021/22 hints at some interesting trends regarding the FCA's areas of interest.
In total, the FCA reports that it used s166 powers in 41 cases:
The information at a sectoral level is of interest:
Certain commentators predicted that the use of s166 powers would increase this year and following to assess how firms responded to the challenges of COVID-19. That has not materialised.
In 2020/2021, the FCA used its s166 powers in 68 cases, compared to 41 cases this year. Therefore, this year has seen an overall drop, including in relation to financial crime concerns (six fewer reports). However, the biggest drop appears to have taken place in the retail section (retail banking & payments, retail lending, and retail investments). 2021/22 saw a total of 23 reports, which is marked reduction from 40 during 2020/21. The reasons for such a drop would be speculation. It may be that it is indicative of shift in focus by the FCA but more likely it could simply suggest that 2020/21 was a spike year and an outlier. The latter may be more plausible since 2019/20 saw 34 commissioned s166 skilled persons reports.
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