Chosen out of 4,693 artworks by over 2,000 artists, the shortlist includes artists from South Korea, China, Ireland, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Denmark, Norway, Germany, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, USA, Japan, Italy and the UK, working across a variety of mediums including sculpture, painting, photography and digital media.
The shortlisted artwork will be exhibited at the Ashurst Emerging Artist Gallery Space, in Ashurst’s London office in Spitalfields, from 16th June to 29th October 2021.
The Prize continues to build its focus on supporting diversity in the visual arts. Prevalent themes in this year’s 30 shortlisted artists are representative of the wider idea’s entrants were exploring through their submissions and include the environment, home and external space, the COVID-19 pandemic, motherhood, cultural hybridity, mythology and fairy tales.
The 30 shortlisted artworks (see below) were selected by a panel of renowned experts. Returning judges for this year include V&A Museum curator Melanie Lenz, art advisor and writer Dr David Anfam. Director of the Schorr Collection Howard Lewis and Dr David Bellingham, senior lecture at Sotheby’s Institute of Art. The panel were also joined by Mark Wippell as a special guest judge for 2021, an art collector and a supporter of a variety of arts charities, and a mentor and investor in technology companies.
The shortlisted artists now go through to the final stage of the competition, where over £10,000 of prizes and solo exhibitions are awarded to five winners. This year the Overall Award winner, and winners of the Sculpture and Choice Awards will receive £3,500, £2,000, and £1,500, respectively, along with solo exhibitions in the Ashurst Emerging Artist Gallery and Cass Art vouchers. For the fifth year the Prize partners with East London arts organisation Rich Mix on the New Media Award. This is focused on artists who use digital techniques and technology within their practice, with the winning artist receiving £1,500 and a solo exhibition at Rich Mix. The winner of the Photography Award, supported by Genesis Imaging, will receive £1,500 worth of production services and a professional mentorship with Genesis Imaging.
The Prize continues to be complemented with a series of professionally led talks providing practical guidance for artists, an extensive social media presence to promote all entrants, and the option for early entrants to request feedback from the art experts. The Prize continues to grow its video channels on YouTube and Vimeo to share the talks, making them available to a growing international audience, and in a format that is accessible to all.
For further details of the Prize please visit