Leading international law firm Ashurst today announces its support for marriage equality in Australia and is now a signatory of Australian Marriage Equality's (AME) open letter of support.
Ashurst joins many of its clients and other business and industry leaders and organisations across the country, and the world, in declaring its support for marriage equality.
Chairman Ben Tidswell said: "I am proud our firm has joined so many others in support of this important step in recognising the rights of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, interested and allied (LGBTIQIA) partners and staff to live and work free of prejudice and discrimination.
"It is right that a firm which employs thousands of people around the world makes a statement that clearly indicates its view that all of its people, no matter their sexual orientation, should share the same essential freedoms enjoyed by members of the broader community."
Managing Partner James Collis said: "Supporting marriage equality makes sense for our business but, more importantly, it is the right thing to do for our people and all Australians. It is the only truly fair option.
"It makes complete sense from a business perspective because the success of our firm is reliant on recruiting, retaining and promoting the best people from the widest talent pools. To do that we need to create a fair and respectful environment for all people."
Vice Chairman Mary Padbury said: "Marriage equality has already been achieved in many of the other jurisdictions in which our firm has offices, including the UK, France, Belgium, Spain, Sweden and many states in the US.
"We believe our support of AME sends a strong message to all our people and clients and reaffirms our long-term commitment to the removal of discrimination in all areas of life."
Rodney Croome, National Director, Australian Marriage Equality and Tasmanian Australian of the Year 2015 said: "Ashurst's support for marriage equality sends a strong message that it's time for Australia to catch up to other Western countries on this important reform. The many Australians who passionately want to see our country achieve marriage equality will be inspired that our campaign has the backing of such a popular and widely-respected company."
AME is a national not-for-profit organisation, created in 2004, advocating for marriage equality for all consenting adults on the basis that a person's sex or sexuality should not affect their legal rights and responsibilities under Australian marriage law.