Legal development

Vested Impact

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    Welcome to the next edition of our Ashurst Fintech Spotlight Series in 2023, where we cover companies that were part of our Fintech Legal Labs Cohort and other promising fintech companies.

    We are delighted to introduce one of our 2022 Cohort Vested Impact as a spotlighted company in this series.

    If you are interested in suggesting a company to be covered under this series, or are interested in meeting or finding out more about any of the companies we are featuring as part of this series please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Vested Impact - About the Company

    Knowing and disclosing corporate impact is no longer a “nice to have”: regulation, customers and society are demanding to go beyond ESG and just looking at “inward”material factors, and to look outward, to measure impact.

    Vested is a data platform that assesses and quantifies the impact that companies have outwardly on helping or hindering the World’s greatest challenges - everything from climate and poverty, to biodiversity and food security.

    Whether you are working within the Principles of Responsible Investing, or your own framework, Vested can provide the detailed data to make your impact reporting as robust as your financial reporting & provide you with the insights to score, monitor, de-risk & plan the impact of your assets and portfolio– in an automated & independent manner leveraging over 100 million impact data points from the World’s leading organizations like the UN and World bank.

    It’s the data we need, for the future we want.

    Key Advantages

    • Automated data-driven impact assessment & insights across your entire investment process - at the click of a button
    • Assess and measure company and portfolio impact; with quantifiable and comparable metrics
    • Get access to 20,000+ companies & assets & assess them based on globally accepted principles of impact measurement, or add your own private company/assets to be assessed in seconds
    • Vested provides detailed negative impacts & visibility of additionality/potential indirect impacts. Allowing you to mange systemic & impact risks, reputational risks, & regulatory risks
    • Vested’s large coverage & automated processing reduces reporting burden, allows access to knowledge & comparable data, & reduces regulatory compliance complexities
    • Deep, detailed assessment linked to independent reputable data, but also simplified metrics for communications & sharing to clients and the public
    • Recognised globally and utilised by leading development and finance/investment institutions

    Want to know more? Visit Vested Impact here.


    *Ashurst LLP does not endorse or recommend any particular product or investment opportunity.

    The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
    Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.

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