Business Insight

Board Priorities in 2025: Whistleblowing

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    Whistleblowing related matters on the increase

    During 2024, we saw a notable increase in the number of whistleblowing related matters that Boards and directors are being asked to engage with, including as a consequence of direct approaches to Board members. Issues raised by whistleblowers can often involve allegations impacting senior individuals within the company and the process needs to be managed sensitively, appropriately and in a manner consistent with organisational values and procedures. They can also raise wider issues relating to culture, governance and/or risk management within an organisation.

    In 2025, Boards should be considering:

    1. Whether they know how to respond if a whistleblowing matter is raised directly with them, and if not, what support do Boards need in this area to equip them to respond.
    2. Whether their organisation has formal up-to-date whistleblowing procedures in place that provide appropriate mechanisms for matters to be raised confidentially or anonymously, and that such matters can then be independently and fairly investigated.
    3. Whether whistleblowing procedures protect staff from suffering any retaliation or detriment as a result of having raised concerns.
    4. How to enhance the governance of whistleblowing issues in terms of reporting and oversight (whilst maintaining confidentiality/anonymity) - to gain comfort that issues raised are being handled appropriately and also to spot any trends that may indicate systemic problems in a particular part of the business.
    5. Working more closely with management to promote a 'speak-up culture' where staff feel empowered to raise concerns openly through existing internal systems, such as HR or their usual lines of management (without needing to resort to more formal whistleblowing channels).

    Read about the other Board Priorities for 2025

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