Unfair contract terms reform big penalties and expanded application
25 August 2021
25 August 2021
The ACL and (for financial products) the ASIC Act contain provisions dealing with unfair terms in standard form contracts with consumers and small businesses. Where a Court determines that a provision of a standard form contract with a consumer or a small business is "unfair", that term is void.
A major overhaul of the unfair contract terms regimes in the ACL and ASIC Act is proposed. On 23 August 2021, the Commonwealth Government released a draft bill (and associated explanatory materials) to strengthen unfair contract terms protections.
Key changes are outlined below.
The draft bill introduces two new prohibitions:
Each of these prohibitions can be contravened multiple times in relation to the same contract (or even in relation to the same unfair term, if relied on more than once).
Each contravention would attract maximum pecuniary penalties of the greater of:
For individuals involved in the conduct, the maximum penalty would be $500,000.
Further, the draft bill allows Courts to impose additional unfair terms-specific remedies, beyond those currently available, including orders (other than damages) as the Court thinks appropriate to prevent or reduce loss or damage that may be caused, where the Court has declared a term of the contract to be unfair. This includes orders to void, vary or refuse to enforce part or all of a contract (or a collateral arrangement).
Additionally, on application by the ACCC or ASIC (as applicable), Courts may make orders:
whether or not the future or existing contract is identifiable when the Court makes the orders.
The Court's ability to make orders in respect of similar terms and contracts not subject to the proceedings is significant. For example, this would mean that an unfair term in a standard form contract that has been entered into with 100 customers could be required to be amended across all 100 contracts, even if only one of the customers sought a declaration that the term is unfair.
Further, it is proposed that Courts would be able to issue public warning notices, adverse publicity orders, and personal orders disqualifying an individual from managing a corporation.
The draft bill also proposes broaden the category of businesses that will be considered "small businesses" and receive the benefit of the unfair contract terms protections. A "small business" will be one which:
Additionally, the draft bill proposes to remove the current upfront contract value threshold, meaning that any standard form contract with a small business would be subject to the unfair contract terms prohibitions. Currently, a contract with an upfront price payable exceeding $300,000 (or $1 million if the contract is for more than 12 months) is not subject to the unfair contract terms regimes.
The draft bill introduces a rebuttable presumption relating to terms that have been declared unfair. Terms that are the same or similar to terms found to be unfair will be presumed to be unfair in subsequent proceedings.
This rebuttable presumption applies not only to terms proposed by the same person who proposed the original unfair term, but also to third party contracts in the same industry.
This requirement is intended to encourage parties within an industry to review their standard form contracts, and amend those contracts where terms have been found to be unfair in other contracts. For businesses that rely on or regularly enter into standard form contracts, this proposed change will require regular compliance checks to ensure that standard form contracts are updated to take into account recent unfair contract terms proceedings in the same industry.
The Commonwealth Government is accepting submissions on the draft bill until 20 September 2021.
Businesses should consider how the proposed changes to the unfair contract terms regimes would impact them. Specifically:
Businesses that are concerned about the proposed changes, or guidance provided in the explanatory materials, should consider engaging in the consultation process. Submissions can be made directly, anonymously, by a party's legal representative, or through industry associations and similar organisations.
Following consultation, the bill will be finalised and introduced in Parliament, where it will need to pass both Houses before becoming law. The draft bill proposes that the new law will commence 6 months after the bill receives Royal Assent, and apply to standard form contracts entered into or varied after that date.
We recommend keeping an eye on the draft bill over the coming months, and taking steps now to ensure your business is ready for the changes to the unfair contract terms regimes when they come into effect.
Authors: Tihana Zuk, Partner and Rowan Kendall, Senior Associate.
The information provided is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all developments in the law and practice, or to cover all aspects of those referred to.
Readers should take legal advice before applying it to specific issues or transactions.
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