Antonios Nezeritis

Antonios Nezeritis

Partner based in Luxembourg

Antonios Nezeritis

Antonios Nezeritis is a partner in our investment funds practice

Antonios advises clients on, among others, UCITS, non-UCITS retail funds (part II funds), Specialised Investment Funds (SIFs), Reserved Alternative Investment Funds (RAIFs), unregulated alternative investments funds and investment companies in risk capital (SICARs). He has also extensively advised UCITS management companies, AIFMs, asset managers as well as investors and sponsors, all of whom have benefited from his commitment to quality and success.

He is recommended as a leading lawyer for investment funds in Luxembourg by the recent editions of Chambers Global and Europe, Legal 500 EMEA and IFLR1000.

Antonios is a regular speaker at conferences and contributor on regulatory developments in Luxembourg.

Antonios also specialises in commercial and financial law, and assists clients with the registration and ongoing compliance process for foreign UCITS and AIFs in Luxembourg.